Friday, May 9, 2014

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The views on Nifty and Stocks and calls made herein are personal views of the author of the blog and are for information, knowledge and educational purpose only and not for commercial purpose in any way. Views expressed in the blog are for information and for education only and it may or may not hold good. These views or calls made on the blog are not recommendations to anybody to buy or sell any index or securities. The above views and calls are based on technical analysis. While due care has been taken while expressing these views and calls, the author of the blog, is not responsible for any liability of any sort arising from the use of this blog. Readers of this column and those who buy or sell index or securities based on information in this blog are solely responsible themselves for their actions. The author may have positions in any of the index or stocks mentioned in this column. Readers of the blog are advised that before trading or doing investment in markets please take advise from your financial expert/consultant. Usage of this blog information confirms that user has read this disclaimer.